Video Clip from the Jungle

A couple years ago I received a message on WhatsApp from a young P man named Alexandri. Though he knew of me, I had never met him. He was contacting me to ask my opinion on translating the OT into P. There is a Spanish speaking outreach organized through SIL which is wanting to train mother tongue translators that are bilingual. This group had made contact with the Ps with the proposal of translating the OT into P. Alexandri asked if I would want to participate. I told him that, as of now, the Lord has not led me to translate the OT, as I feel quite strongly that my remaining years should be spent on teaching. I had never wanted to translate the NT. I had only ever wanted to teach it since the Lord had captivated my heart revealing to me the message of His grace and mystery of godliness in Christ Jesus. This I am greatly enjoying through radio programs.

However, I did say that I would be happy to help as a reference person. We will see how involved I may end up getting with this project. Through Alexandri’s contact with me, I also met (via WhatsApp) a Venezuelan (Spanish speaking Latino) missionary named Gabriel, who appears to be the chief contact person and overseer of the SIL translation project. The plan they have is a 5-10 year plan where SIL will train mother tongue translators. Gabriel has been a tremendous blessing to me as he has free access into the P villages and makes frequent trips. He is constantly relaying messages from the P’s to me and from me to them. Alexandri incidentally just finished creating a children’s primer to train children how to read P. I edited it and we had enough money to print 7,000 copies.

Last weekend, they had a workshop teaching the concepts of hermeneutics, original languages and an overview of the OT. Gabriel asked me prior to heading into ‘White Dirt’ for the workshop if I could send a short video to the Ps who would be there studying. So I set my phone up in my office here in BC Canada and spoke a 12 minute message from John 16 and 17 about the importance of God’s word. “…I have given them Your word…” “…Your word is truth…” “…sanctify them by your truth…” “…when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth…” were the words of our Lord which I spoke about on the video. The message was basically regarding all the tools a translator needs to translate, but the greatest importance in it all is the Spirit of God guiding your heart in every moment.

Yesterday Gabriel sent me a small video clip of him playing my video message way out in the jungle at ‘White Dirt’ where there were 50 men and women students who are potential translators of the OT. I’ve attached his video clip here. Technology is wonderful at the moment. I thought you may enjoy watching the video clip of me sitting in my office on the video while 50 P’s watched it out in the village.


Recording underway

Attached find a photo from this morning of the team at work. Not visible in the photo is D who is speaking the Narrator’s text. G and E are carefully watching the text as D reads so as to make sure that nothing is missed or added incorrectly. The FCBH director Daniel, is monitoring. He sets the context for the reader and suggests the type of tone to add depending on whether it’s a Pharisee debating, or a hungry soul searching, etc. E said they really have it all mapped out well and down to a science. Thanks for your continued prayers for them.

Sandra, the other FCBH director, texted me today and said, “We are making progress and truly, these brothers are very, VERY special and sharp.” It was nice to hear such great feedback from her.

In the meantime, I have purchased tickets to Colombia for the Tribal Pastor’s Conference which Russell invited me to. I will be gone from here June 3-15. I will fly from Mexico. Robin decided to stay on in Mexico while I’m gone rather than try to make it back to Canada. I scheduled a few more days in Colombia since G, E and D will not be able to take time off of the recording to attend the conference. G was a little emotional when he found out that he wasn’t able to attend the conference. So, I scheduled a few more days in Colombia and, once back to Bogota from the conference, I will fly to this other Colombia border town where they are recording and I will be able to spend a few days with them there.

E just sent me a message saying that G and D have made it as far as Matthew 20 and that E (voice of Paul) has finished Romans 1-9.

Thanks for your prayers,


The challenge of communication

Just received this photo from E which shows the three men who will be doing this first phase of the reading. They look happy and spiffed up ready to work. The mobile studio is set up and they are beginning to record today! I was thinking today how much intonation can change the meaning of the text. You can read something with an angry tone, a proud tone, a smug tone, a self righteous tone, a strong tone, a weak tone or a loving or kind tone… The list goes on. I don’t know about you, but when I’ve listened to audio Bibles before in English, there have been some that come across in a tone that, in my opinion, doesn’t suit the Spirit of God who inspired the words. Imagine how easily you could insert your own tone into the text. Imagine the great challenge it would be to read Jesus’ voice.

I sent E, G and D a message today to that effect so that they may seek to set their minds on the nature of God as they speak on His behalf. (That’s a challenge to all of us!).

As you think of them reading hour upon hour, pray for them that the Spirit of God would fill their own soul with the right intonation of each text and to guard them from inserting any false ideas.



“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering”
Colossians 3:12

Audio P NT

After many months and many miles, our translation team is back at it. Yesterday, they arrived to a town in Colombia where they will be working with Faith Comes By Hearing in order to create a complete dramatized audio recording of the P New Testament. Recording begins tomorrow! G, E and D will be the first speakers which will cover the voices of Narrator, Jesus and Paul.
I have avoided typing out their names in the email body for security purposes, but in this rare occasion, I have included a photo (photo taken this morning) of their names for your own benefit. The couple on the left, G and M, are of course husband and wife and our long time co-workers (their son J is not participating in this recording). Next to them is D and then the four on the right are a family. L, E and their son J with his newly wed wife N!
There will be more speakers to arrive in the weeks ahead to cover other voices in the NT. This project should take 6-8 weeks. Your prayers are very critical for the presence of the power, love and energy of the Spirit in each heart as they work and read the sacred text. You know how it is listening to audio books. You know how it is listening to an audio Bible where, when the reader doesn’t articulate in an appropriate spirit or intonation, how it affects the message. Think about how many people may listen to these recordings. Think about how many people may come to know Jesus through them. May the Spirit fill and guide them as they speak respectfully and honorably the words of life in a spirit of love and kindness.
Please also continue to pray for my travel plans. I, too, plan to travel to Colombia June 3-14. Although I will be in a different location than them, if I have the opportunity to fly over to seem them, I may do so.
 “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”
Romans 10:17