Attached find a photo from this morning of the team at work. Not visible in the photo is D who is speaking the Narrator’s text. G and E are carefully watching the text as D reads so as to make sure that nothing is missed or added incorrectly. The FCBH director Daniel, is monitoring. He sets the context for the reader and suggests the type of tone to add depending on whether it’s a Pharisee debating, or a hungry soul searching, etc. E said they really have it all mapped out well and down to a science. Thanks for your continued prayers for them.
Sandra, the other FCBH director, texted me today and said, “We are making progress and truly, these brothers are very, VERY special and sharp.” It was nice to hear such great feedback from her.
In the meantime, I have purchased tickets to Colombia for the Tribal Pastor’s Conference which Russell invited me to. I will be gone from here June 3-15. I will fly from Mexico. Robin decided to stay on in Mexico while I’m gone rather than try to make it back to Canada. I scheduled a few more days in Colombia since G, E and D will not be able to take time off of the recording to attend the conference. G was a little emotional when he found out that he wasn’t able to attend the conference. So, I scheduled a few more days in Colombia and, once back to Bogota from the conference, I will fly to this other Colombia border town where they are recording and I will be able to spend a few days with them there.
E just sent me a message saying that G and D have made it as far as Matthew 20 and that E (voice of Paul) has finished Romans 1-9.
Thanks for your prayers,