Paused for a week

Sorry for the long delay.

We are still without internet. They are backlogged and figure it still may take a couple weeks before we have internet in our house. In the meantime, I’ve been sick with the flu for about 5 days and only now finally had enough energy to go over to Howard’s and borrow the WIFI.

We made it to Mexico safe and sound and were provided with a wonderful home to stay in. We are looking forward to all that the Lord has for us, even now thankful to Him for this time of stillness.

Russell has made a disciple out of E. See the attached photos of E passing out Russell’s Spanish Bibles to the guards at the road check points along the highway as he is presently transporting 277 boxes of P Bibles (5,540 Bibles) to several villages up river and also across the border in Colombia.

The other teachers were sick too, so school got postponed a week.

Will be in touch as things begin to take shape.

Thanks for all your prayers and loving notes and support.


Arrived in San Carlos, Mexico

We made it safe and sound to San Carlos Sonora Mexico. Thank you so much for your prayers. We don’t have internet yet, so I just wanted to send a quick note through my phone.

We miss the thought of not seeing the P’s this trip, but know it is all in His good hands.

G just sent me this photo taken with part of his family. They are all thrilled to have a copy of their own Bible.


He plans to head up river soon and has 38 boxes (760 Bibles) to distribute to the P’s in his area.

E and L are in Colombia distributing Bibles to the P’s on that side of the river.

They are all having a field day.

We saw Jorge and Sole last night who were full of joy and of the Holy Spirit reporting how many wonderful things have happened this year and with much zeal for that which comes.

We are about to head off to church this morning to worship as Sole leads worship and Jorge preaches.
