P Bibles update

As you know the 20,000 P Bibles which made their way from Bogotá to the P nation ran out within about a month’s time. Boxes and boxes were dispersed and slowly made their way to their designated destinations. Here is a photo of a small church in one of the farthest P villages (Caño Tama Tama) which just last week finally received their portion. E took this photo and sent it to me when he got back to town. It has been extremely difficult in these days of crisis in Venezuela to obtain fuel and to travel the rivers. You can see in the photo E and his wife L on the left hand side. E has been such a force in the Lord tirelessly working in SO many ways. Who would have thought that he would have personally made it his responsibility to get these Bibles to TT.

You are also aware that since the 20,000 Bibles quickly ran out, E requested another 15,000 as there are still scads of villages without Bibles many of which spill over onto the Colombian side of the border. We have been collecting funds for those Bibles as they would have to be printed and shipped again down the river on a river barge and over the border again. More miracles will be needed. If the Lord blesses us again with the 50% discount printing, the cost for another 15,000 Bibles would be $60,000 USD. As of last week the tally sent in to SOM came to $28,000 USD.

However, today I received a phone call from SOM director David Witt. I couldn’t believe it when he told me that someone just sent in another $50,000 USD for the P Bibles! He couldn’t believe it when I told him I had no knowledge of this. We both stood in amazement at the provision of the LORD and what He is doing among the P’s and for that matter all over the earth.

I just thought you’d like to know this that you too may rejoice and give thanks to our heavenly Father as His mercy endures forever.


“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”
Psalm 136:1

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