Update from Robin

Hello! It’s Robin here. Many of you may have never heard from me but maybe some of you remember how I used to write all the letters and updates while we were living in Venezuela for 10 years. We are so thankful for all those who read, appreciate and pray for the things we communicate.

For many years, my main focus was feeding our family and raising our 5 children. I homeschooled one or several for 20 years! As the kids got older and I had more time, I found myself being drawn to the arts, and specifically oil painting. I have been developing and enjoying that for around 10 years. I find great joy in being creative and thank God that He made me an artist. We are made in the image of God and one great aspect of His person is that He is Creator. I consider it a privilege that I can enter into His creative activity, imagination and inspiration. Photography has helped me see in a new way and consider the beauty and wonders all around me. Recently, someone has made me aware that the first mention of someone being filled with the Spirit of God is in Exodus when God was calling the artisans to create parts of the tabernacle. The Lord spoke, “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood”, “…I have put wisdom in the hearts of all who are gifted artisans…” (Exodus 31:3-6)

As we have been in Mexico and Tim has been teaching the Bible at the school there, I have been filling the walls with paintings of local scenes. In recent years, I have focused on providing paintings for the nearby orphanage. Last year as I was delivering 4 paintings, I had a chance to speak to the kids living in the house and tell them how they are all beautiful creations of the Great Artist and that He may be making some of them to be artists. Also last year, I enjoyed bringing a daughter of one of the Mexican teachers into my painting room and walking her through her first painting. I loved seeing her incredible talent and joy. I loved gifting her with paints, brushes and supplies to keep painting.

I see many fellow Canadians and education systems realizing that music and art can be effectively used in dealing with trauma. Personally, I sense God speaking in the arts. I think we have all been touched in many ways through music, sensing realities that can not be communicated in other ways. I have been writing poetry, reading literature, dancing, painting and taking photos.

Another thing that I have been spending time on is being with my 9 wonderful grandchildren. We are blessed to have 5 of them living in the same town when we are in Canada. They are precious little people and one of my greatest joys in life is being in their lives and building them up with special memories and experiences. How important it is to do all we can for children who will become the future society. It is easier to build healthy, loved and secure people than to deal with all the problems that come from early harmful experiences. God help all people raising children in these strange and difficult times!

As I am writing this, I can hear Tim talking to several Piaroas on the computer. I can hear them sharing and laughing. Now he just came in and told me that he got this video call out of the blue and a group of Piaroas in a village in the jungle (up river from where we used to live) now have a satellite internet connection, solar powered and will be keeping in touch with him. He said that they want to be a connection for thousands of Piaroa believers in the area to be able to converse with him. Wow, you never know what a day will hold.

I can’t express how precious these people are, so humble and grateful and hungry to learn. They love God! I often imagine them, as I pray, in their homes and places of gathering, reading and hearing the words of the Scriptures in their own language. What realities is the Spirit of God waking them up to, what truths is He making them see? As these things are revealed to them, I pray for transformation. What an incredible part of the body of Christ they are! God fill and direct and provide for them all.

We appreciate each one of you and your partnering with us.
With love,
