Greetings. Sorry it’s been a long while since I’ve updated you. We’ve been on the road and it’s been difficult to find a quiet time with wifi. I will say that we have had such a rich and full time with all that we have seen. The Spirit of Christ is present wherever we go and we see Him and experience Him in all and in every place.
Our meetings are over. They all went so well. We are now at our final destination before heading to Mexico. Today, we met with the staff at SOM and again were richly blessed by people who are full of the Spirit of Christ.
We are lingering a few days here as we are trying to purchase a replacement car. The plan was to purchase a newer car here and drive both cars to Mexico, leaving the old one there to use and then return back to Canada in the Spring with the newer one. Prices are higher than expected and availability is low on the slightly used cars (the covid lockdowns and microchip shortage increased the prices of used cars and depleted the amount of available cars considerably).
We are just trusting the Lord with this. If we don’t find anything, we will continue on with our older car which has served us so faithfully and continues to do so. Thanks for your prayers for us regarding this need.
Today I received a hand written letter from E which he expressed gratitude on behalf of the P churches for the generous giving towards this next printing of 15,000 more P bibles. He’s delighted that now everyone will get their own copy.
Here is the translation of the letter which was written to those who gave towards the printing of the P Bible. Though this letter was inspired by the recent giving towards the second printing, any one of you who gave or prayed for this project whether the first printing last year of this second one now, please receive it as to you:
Even before the heavens and the earth were ever brought into being, you were set in his mind, all of us Huottöja (P) of Venezuela who are saints of God, together even with those who still do not have faith, and also together with the Huottöja (P) people of Colombia, we, greatly rejoicing at this time, greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This book of our Creator’s word, which we on our own could never have purchased, you by His Spirit, have given your huge gift according to your faith in the name of your Lord, just as He had planned to do through you, being set in His mind before the heavens and the earth ever were.
Even before the creation, our Creator knew that through you He would bless every single Huottöja (P) person that was left without the book of His word so that all would receive their own copy. As we reflect with great joy on the blessing of our creator God through your offering which you gave in the name of your Lord through prayer on our behalf, we know that the one who gives rejoices even more than the one who receives.
When we, the members of Christ’s body, watch you rejoice in heaven when you receive your rewards, we too, being right there with you will rejoice before our Lord, in the brightness of His shining light. That joy will be even greater than the joy we now feel by receiving a Bible. Our creator God knew of this future event even before we existed.
We are in prayer to our creator God according to this word (these verses) which are fulfilled in what you have thought to do in the name of your Lord; 2 Corinthians 8:12-15, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, also James 2:21-26 and Philippians 4:18.
Though we are far away from each other in this world, we will forever be before our Lord in His shining light without end…
May it be just so by the name of our Lord…