The car is loaded up and we are about to hit the highway this morning! It’s -25 C. outside with unseasonably cold winter weather forecast all the way into northern California. Ice and compact snow etc… We have 3,500 kms of highway to travel. It is a strange time of life these days with new regulations being put into effect and one never knows what to expect at border crossings. We have several stops along the way before we arrive into Mexico. There is a lot of expensive recording equipment in the car. There are viruses floating about out there. We will miss our children and grandchildren. We have one church to speak at on Jan 2. There are may unknowns before us, but we sense the Lord Jesus leading us and would definitely appreciate your prayers for us as the Spirit leads you to pray and for these things also:
- Traveling mercies
- Protections from theft
- Car performance (car is getting old)
- Health
- Good and sweet fellowship in the car
- To be filled with the Spirit in our interactions along the way
- To be focused on what God is doing rather than what the world is doing
- To be aware of divine appointments
We hope to be arriving into Mexico sometime the week of January 10th. Classes start at the Bible school on the 17th.
“…in journeys often…”
2 Corinthians 11:26a
Thank you so much for your partnership! We really feel it and would be nothing without it,